In powder 10g or in capsules 20 pieces / 5g
Hemp trichomes are what is the most prized part of the plant.
Their use goes far back in history.
Trichomes? That is, when you look at a hemp flower, it is what shines on the flower. These are hemp trichomes that have the shape of a sponge under a magnifying glass. This is one form of trichomes, and there are two other forms of trichomes found on the cannabis plant.
In trichomes, very important cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids are formed,… We can say that trichomes are “cream on cannabis”.
With trichomes, we introduce pure, natural phytocannabinoids into the body, without any chemical treatment.
Their use as a dietary supplement in powder or handy vegan capsules is highly recommended to start the day. This provides the body with the basic intake of cannabinoids in the body, which preventively strengthens our immune system. Trichome is also taken together with some fat, as this increases the efficiency or. absorption into the body.
Taking hemp trichomes has a beneficial effect on:
– our mental state,
– improves concentration,
– regulates digestive processes,
– regeneration within the body,
– energy increase,
– regulates sugar levels
– regulates pressure,…
Of course, it can also be used in several other ways, as one of the components in cosmetics or a dietary supplement.
TRICHOMES IN CAPSULES: https://www.konoplja-osvobaja.si/izdel/konopljini-trichomies-in-capsules-20-pieces /
HEMP TRICHOMA POWDER: https://www.konoplja-osvobaja.si/en/izdelek/hemp-trichomes/
For more details, we will work on you individually and together we will find a suitable use of the products for you.